INSTALLATIONS - Electronic Organs

Kamloops Seventh-Day Adventist Church - Kamploops BC - Model 256 Unified 6 rank two manual

Christian Science Church - North Burnaby - Model 256 organ - later re installed in Timothy Christian School, Chilliwack - later re installed in Sts Joachim and Ann Catholic Church, Aldergrove

Port Kells United Church - Surrey - 252 Organ built in Hallman console -

St. Claires Monastery - Mission BC - 252 Organ built in WurliTzer console -

Yarrow Aliance Church - Chilliwack - Model 2510 Organ - Ten ranks with individual amplifiers - later re installed at Westminster Abbey, Mission

Aldergrove United Church - Aldergrove (Langley) - Model 253 organ built into new church building

Maranatha Baptist Church - Abbotsford - Model 252 organ

Seventh Day Adventist Church - Surrey - 21 Ranks with separate amplifiers, Custom 2 manual drawstop console

Private Home Installation - Surrey - 20 ranks, unified, 4 manuals, over sixty stops

Private Home - Surrey - Seven rank Theatre Organ - Horseshoe console

Private Home - Abbotsford - Model 257 Organ

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