Liturgy and Music

Saint Ann's loves to sing! Music is part of virtually every Mass and celebration in the church!

The pipe organ leads congregational singing at all Sunday and weekday Masses except for the Sunday noon Mass at which our youth provide a variety of instruments and voices to lead the singing.

At the Sunday 10:00 Mass the choir and organ lead the music. New members are always welcome in both choirs. Anyone interested could contact the leaders either at Mass or obtain contact information through the parish office.

Joanne - 10:00 Sunday Masses and Christmas Midnight - with 'Adult Choir'

12:00 Noon Sunday Masses and Christmas eve Vigil - with 'Youth Choir'

Jack - 5:00 pm Saturday, 8:00 am Sunday, Weekday Masses, Esaster Vigil Mass, Benediction

The organ has always been an important part of parish music over the past forty years. St. Ann's is proud of its Pipe Organ. For details and history of this instrument click here.

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