Basic four-piece rock and roll band

From the very beginning before the name or the style was settled upon, the group was determined to develop strong three and four part harmonies. The decision to concentrate on Vintage Rock 'n' Roll era was probably heavily influenced by Jack's determination to continue where he left off decades ago.
The basic sound of the band is standard Lead / Rhythn / Bass and Drums. The group's musical resources worked well with the early Beatles sound, and many of those songs were covered. CCR and Everly Brothers songs also worked well with this sound. Bass guitar parts were played on the Technics KN6000 keyboard freeing Guy and Jack to play 6-strings most of the time, Guy playing his Peavey Hollow Body electric, and Jack playing his old '62 Fender Strat from the 'Crusade days and even his Guya-tone from the 'Saxons days, along with several less exotic instruments. Using the '6000's ability to run two independent instruments such as Piano on the right hand and Bass Guitar on the left opened up another set of musical styles such as the early Elvis Presley music. The Hammond Organ sound came next, leading to blues style arragements. The keyboard is also programmed with a Blues Harmonica and a wild sounding Tenor Sax for some of those old 'sixties sounds. Jack alternates on standard 4-string Bass in songs not requiring Lead Guitar.
Standard Two guitars, bass and drums are augmented by Piano, Hammond Organ, Tenor Sax and Harmonica all from the Keyboard. While the band does not attempt to impersonate or clone, its styles and arrangements are strongly influenced by the original recordings and artists. The resulting blend makes up the Flashback sound. To date over a hundred orignal artists' songs are covered by Flashback, some arranged like the original, some uniquely Flashback in sound
Equipment - wise, Flashback is not a loud band by today's standards. Click here for details